Descalza – A B Corp Certified Business Empowering Artisans and Celebrating Latino Heritage

Samuele Tini

In recent years, the United States has witnessed the remarkable contributions of immigrants, particularly Latinos, to its thriving economy. As one of the largest and fastest-growing ethnic groups in the country, Latinos have played a significant role in shaping various sectors of the economy, from small businesses to large corporations.

“US Latinos account for the fastest-growing portion of US GDP. So much so, that if we considered US Latinos as their own country, it would be third only to the GDP growth rate of China and India in the past decade”.(McKinsey 2022)

“Total economic output of Hispanic Americans is estimated to be well over $2 trillion and Hispanic Americans alone accounted for over half of all the population growth in the United States over the last decade.. (Joint economic committee Senate)

The growth can be attributed to the entrepreneurial spirit and diverse cultural heritage of Latino immigrants, fostering innovation and enriching the American business landscape.

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For B Corp month we meet Lisbeth Carolina Arias, the founder of Descalza, a fashion brand that focuses on sustainable practices and empowering artisans from Latin America. Descalza not only promotes cultural exchange but also addresses pressing issues such as social impact and environmental responsibility. As a B Corp-certified company, Descalza demonstrates that businesses can be both profitable and purpose-driven, contributing to the greater good while also generating economic value. In this interview, Carolina shares her inspiring journey as an entrepreneur, shedding light on the importance of intentionality, community, and consumer awareness in driving positive change. Her story exemplifies the tremendous impact that Latino immigrants have on the US economy, as well as the potential for businesses to be agents of social and environmental transformation.

Carolina’s Background and the Birth of Descalza

Carolina’s personal journey as an entrepreneur is a testament to her resilience, determination, and passion for her cultural heritage. Born in El Salvador, Carolina was brought to the United States by her mother  in search of new opportunities . She was inspired to start Descalza in 2017 as a way to connect her two worlds – merging her Latin American roots with her new US home. Carolina grew up with one foot in El Salvador and one foot in the United States.. She felt that neither culture fully identified with her, leading her to create a space where people like her could celebrate and be themselves.

“You have people that look like me, who  identify with more than one culture, but neither culture wants to identify with you.”

Descalza’s Mission and Impact

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Descalza is a clothing brand that collaborates with artisans from Latin America to create unique statement pieces manufactured in North Carolina and sold online mainly in the US and Canada for now. Carolina works with artisans from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Peru who weave, dye, and use traditional techniques to create fabrics that represent their home. Then she uses these fabrics to create the final product. Descalza means “barefooted” in Spanish, which was inspired by the fact that many of the women artisans preferred not to wear shoes while weaving due to the position they are in. However, for Carolina’s mother, the name also symbolizes the immigrant experience of starting with nothing and building a new life, a testament of her own experience. Descalza aims to connect and empower both the Latinx communities in the United States and the artisans in Latin America who are trying to maintain their traditional craft.

“Our mission is to be able to empower both communities that we identify with…it’s the opportunity for you to tell everyone else in this world who you are and what matters to you.”

The Journey to B Corp Certification

Carolina launched her company with a mission to put the spotlight on artisans and to empower them. She decided to pursue B Corp certification to have a third party verify that her company was operating with genuine intentions and to build trust with customers.

I wanted to have this third party, these analysts come in and…check everything…and be like, you know what, you do things the way that you say you do, and customers should trust you.”

The process began in 2018 when Carolina connected with the B Corp Clinic at North Carolina State University, which provided guidance on the assessment and support necessary for certification. However, due to growing her business and limited time, the process experienced some delays. In 2020, Carolina revisited the assessment and submitted it but did not pass initially due to insufficient documentation. This setback led her to Carolina Miranda at Cultivating Capital, who provided invaluable support by helping Carolina go through the assessment line by line and gather the necessary documentation to demonstrate Descalza’s adherence to B Corp standards.

This achievement has opened up new opportunities for her business allowing her to connect with a larger community of socially and environmentally responsible businesses and consumers who share her passion for sustainability, ethical practices, and empowering artisans. Through these networks, she was able to learn from others facing similar challenges and find encouragement and support.

“I think with the certification, it has actually opened a lot of opportunities for me because of the community, the B Corp community”

Future Goals and Vision for Descalza

Carolina’s vision for the future of Descalza centers around working with more artisans and expanding their supply chain to encompass all artisans in the Americas and the Caribbean. She hopes to achieve this through increased exposure and demand.

Additionally, Carolina envisions her brand being worn by celebrities on red carpets, proudly naming Descalza as their fashion choice.

“I hope that one day, maybe one of those celebrities can call us , and whenever they’re walking those red carpets and someone asks them, what are they wearing, they get to say Descalza”

Her ultimate goal is to connect more artisans with the Descalza community in the United States and beyond, and to continue to grow and expand in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. As Carolina’s business journey demonstrates, by staying true to one’s values and mission, it is possible to make a positive impact in the world while achieving business success

“My goal is to work with artisans , from the top of Mexico, to the bottom of Argentina, to work with all the artisans in Latin America and the Caribbean as well”

Call to Action

Carolina’s journey towards creating a sustainable and socially responsible business has been an organic and intentional process. By staying true to one’s values and mission, it is possible to make a positive impact in the world while achieving business success. She encourages others who are interested in entrepreneurship or becoming B Corp certified to approach it with the same mindset. She emphasizes the power that consumers have in their purchasing decisions and urges them to educate themselves about the brands they support. By doing so, consumers can support brands like Descalza that are committed to empowering and supporting artisans and communities. Carolina’s final call to action is for individuals to be intentional with their journeys and to support brands that align with their values.

“If you work with intention, and be  true to your heart success will come”

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